Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First Blog Post

I am a telemarketer, that's what I do. I'm not ashamed of it, in fact I really like my job. It is repetitive at times and other times it is quite amusing. The thing is they pay me decent enough to wake up in the morning and go into the office every day.

I am going to say I am a spoiled telemarketer. I don't work in a room full of other telemarketers with a telemarketing supervisor watching over my shoulder. The expectations are not extreme and in my job description I says that I am to take breaks at my leisure.....

Did I mention my 12x12 office with a wall of windows..... Oh such a tough life!

While I can't say the name of the company I work for I can say that it is a commercial cleaning service, my job as a telemarketer is to make sales appointments. There are days when this task comes so easily it is laughable! There are other days when at the end of the day I want to pull my hair out!

So, on to the good stuff!

Today was a nasty rainy and stormy day in southern Ohio. Rain in the mornings for the most part makes for a bad day. First of all it means that I need to exit the house 15 minutes ahead of schedule. This means getting a 7 year old and an infant cleaned, dressed and out the door in record time!

Since I have decided that I need to loose a few pounds I decide to avoid my usual Blueberry glazed donut at Tim Horton's this morning. I headed to the gas station with the best coffee around. The trip to the door in the rain meant that the bottom of my pants would be wet... EWW!

Having to make the decision between no coffee and pants that are wet at the bottom was tough! I chose the coffee. The wet pants made the start to my day even less happy!

Once I arrived at the sitters to drop the kids off I realized that my day wasn't going to get much better! The ground was wet there as well and the rain was coming down harder now grr... I haul the baby and the plethora of stuff that comes with a baby into the sitters house.

It breaks my heart every time I have to leave him, but I do it anyway. I figure having power is a pretty important part of his life. If I don't pay the power bill they are likely to turn it off... SO, I headed to work.

For the most part the day was okay. I didn't make any appointments in the morning and by lunch time I was ready to bolt out the door. I grabbed a healthy subway flatbread and came back to the office.... Oh yea it was still raining and the bottom of my pants got wet again. This time it was very frustrating because they were almost dry!!

The day went on like normal not to much happened. No one screamed at me or hung up on me, most people were just out of the office, which was odd, because it was raining... Where exactly did they all go out to?

Anyway about an hour before it was time to go home. It happened! This is something that makes me cringe, it is one of those things that just irks me a little bit! I called a government office and asked who is in charge of cleaning decisions.... The response I get is like nails on a chalk board: "Do you realize you just called a government office?"

My imagination runs wild with the thing I wish I could say to this lady: Do I sound like an idiot? Do you realize that I am calling from a cleaning service? Does the government not see a need to clean its offices? Do you really think that I just randomly dial numbers and have no idea who I am calling?

I didn't say any of those things... But sometime being nice is just not any fun!

Here is what I said to her:

Yes mam I do realize that I called a government office, now if your company ever decided that it wanted to change cleaning services who would make that decision?

She promptly gave me the person's name and hung up the phone, maybe she will not see the need to remind me of who I called when I call tomorrow and ask for that person by name!

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